High School kids: June 8-13 at St. John Vianney, Janesville.
Middle School kids: July 7-10 at St. Joseph, Dodgeville.
Registration is now open at www.madisondiocese.org/lbhregistration
Click on the NEW or RETURNING family for instructions. This year we will not sign in as “lost sheep”, but as St. Joseph The Worker Pastorate. 10 spots are saved for our pastorate children in each location.
Email [email protected] to receive more information.
Children are a great gift to us. One way families can find support for the moral and academic formation of their children is in a Catholic school. Below are just few of the reasons why we value our Catholic school:
*There is weekly Mass and special feast days where the children are more involved in the liturgy and regular prayer is a part of the school day.
*There is a regular religion class several times each week so the children can come to understand the rich tradition and teachings of the Catholic faith.
*Our Catholic School has a strong family feel and students are welcomed, and feel safe and comfortable while being challenged to grow and mature according to God’s plan for each of them.
*Teachers help the children connect the Catholic faith with all other learning and work with parents for the good of children.
Thank you to all of our wonderful parishioners, benefactors, and volunteers who make Catholic education in our area possible. Thank you to all of our dedicated teachers and staff who share their knowledge and faith each day with our students.
Thank you to our parents and families who made the decision to entrust St. Mary’s School with the education of their children.
May God continue to bless our students, families, and schools as we give thanks for the great blessing of Catholic school. Please contact the school or parish offices to learn more about enrolling your child(ren) in our excellent school.
Everyone is invited to attend St. Mary's Lasagna Supper at St. Mary School on Saturday, January 25 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. There will also be a Silent Auction and classroom displays.
THANK YOU to everyone who supported the Scrip Push! The goal was $30,000 and $69,700.00 in Scrip was purchased! The St. Mary's students will enjoy a pizza and movie party hosted by the Home & School Association.
St Mary’s School has teamed up with Hamann’s Helping Hands again this holiday season to help gathering gifts for children that are spending the holidays in the hospital. We will be collecting gifts until December 20.
St. Mary's Home and School Association is sponsoring a Calendar Raffle for the month of January. Please contact the school office at 608-994-2435 if you are interested in purchasing a chance to win. All money
must be turned in by December 20.
Share the gift of life by donating blood. The Red Cross will be holding a blood drive at St. Mary School in Bloomington from 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 25.
Everyone is invited to attend this fun, family event and enjoy the yummy breakfast, craft show, raffle, delicious Christmas cookies & candy, and visit with Santa on Sunday, Dec. 1 at St. Mary's School in Bloomington.
All St. Mary’s fabulous bakers are invited to donate cookies and candy for the Cookie Sale. Please drop your cookies or candy off at the school by 10 AM on Saturday, Nov. 30. Monetary donations
would also be appreciated; call 994-2435 for more information.
A huge thank you to everyone who supported the St. Mary School Pizza and Bulb Fundraiser. A special thank you to Patsy White and Deb Van Bogaert for their help and to Catholic Financial Life Chapter #15 for generously donating $1,000.00 in matching funds.